First, "Bible Heroes of the Old Testament" by Christin Ditchfield, illustrated by Ande Cook. This is a super simple book about several Old Testament characters. Remember, super simple! This book is from 2004.
"The Curious Little Kitten Around the House" by Linda Hayward, illustrated by Maggie Swanson, copyright 1986. I don't know about you, but that kitten on the front cover looks a little creepy...
"The Day Snuffy Had the Sniffles" by Linda Lee Maifair, illustrated by Tom Brannon, and it's from 1988.
"I'm a Truck" by Dennis Shealy, illustrated by Bob Staake, copyright 2006. When you have a little boy at home who loves trucks, you have to buy this book. Plus, it's in perfect shape!
"Lasso the Moon" by Trish Holland, illustrated by Valeria Petrone, copyright 2005. This is a fun book to read with your little Texas accent!
"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" illustrated by Carl and Mary Hauge, copyright 1975. This is just the song with pictures. The back page is the sheet music in case you aren't sure about the melody!
"Polly's Pet" by Lucille Hammond, illustrated by Amye Rosenberg, copyright 1984. This is an interesting little story about a pet cat who gets fed up when his owners make him do things he doesn't want to do, so he runs away. It's a mild lesson about being content with what you have and where you are.
Last but certainly not least is "The Saggy Baggy Elephant" by K. & B. Jackson, illustrated by Tenggren, copyright 1974. The illustrator's name sounded familiar so I looked him up. He was a Swedish illustrator who originally worked from the Milton Bradley game company, and then went to work for Walt Disney, where he was the chief illustrator for the animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Then from 1942 until 1962, he worked for Little Golden Books on titles such as "Tawny Scrawny Lion," "Little Black Sambo," and "The Poky Little Puppy," which became the single all-time best-selling hardcover children's book in English. Many of his early illustrations were destroyed before his death in 1970, so finding a book by him is a treat.
Thanks for reading today! Enjoy your day and your latest book!