Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Great article from Pen Pals & Picture Books

I recently found this blog and fell in love with it!  The authors write book reviews and tell about their activities on this blog.  They wrote this great article about how to find great kid's/children's books at great prices.  Check out the link below, and the rest of the blog.  Very nice job ladies!


Enjoy your day and your latest book!


  1. Thanks so much Lorri! I'm so glad you liked it and I'm glad to find your site too.

  2. Hi Lorri! Whitney here (the other half of PP&PB). I am so glad we found you! After you commented on the finding great books post, I knew you must be a book lover and I was trying to figure out if you had a blog somewhere. Thanks to super sleuth Robyn we found you! Thanks for giving us a shout out!
